There are a couple topics that get my blood boiling in an instant. They mainly revolve around animal issues. No, I am not a vegetarian or a vegan, never have claimed to be and do not hide the fact. I like my meat. Anyways, that's besides the point I am about to make.
Two topics of hot debate for me are spaying/neutering your pet or breeding it and extremely uneducated pet ownership.
Topic one. Unless you are about to embark on an 20 to 50 year project of preserving and bettering of a specific breed, GET YOUR GODDAMN PET FIXED! "Oh, but I want her to have at least one litter. I want to see what her puppies would be like!" Go look on animal shelter websites and I'm sure any one of those lonely faces could potentially look like an offspring from your mutt, mixed with another mutt. That might have horrible hips, or heart or eyes, ears, etc. Also, you are in a goddamn large city. To say that there are hundreds of pets already looking for homes is an understatement. Every home that would take a puppy from you is a spot of love and comfort lost for another dog. And chances are that Person A that you sold Puppy #2 to will probably abandon it, after discovering "having a puppy is hard work." Or "I just don't have the time" or "they are too expensive" blah blah blah blah…
Also, stop trying to sell your backyard puppies for $1000! What the fuck is wrong with you people!!! Most of theses expensive dogs aren’t even purebred! Nor come from good lines with good genes and disposition! Also – a "Morkie" is NOT breed of dog. Fucksakes people.
Topic two. To say that I cannot stand ignorant or blatantly oblivious pet ownership is also an understatement.
Example. Person B gets a dog, a husky, about 2 years ago. A dog that he still has no clue about. Knows zero about pet ownership and the like. For anyone that knows anything about dogs, you know that Husky's are one of the most notorious breeds to try and train and house. They are working dogs. Through and through. They always will be. They are strong, thick-headed, stubborn and dominant. They have a lot of energy, physically and mentally, that requires to be burned off constantly. The list can go on and on and on.
Person B pretty much hasn’t trained Husky at all. Has no control over her and its completely obvious. Before it was just annoying. I have NEVER witnessed him walking the dog. They dog walks/runs him. Always. Now, now it’s a danger. A couple of weeks ago after not seeing Person B and Husky for quite some time (they live about 10 houses away), we run into them. Actually he runs into us as we are stopped talking to a nice owner and her dog and are not too far from the front yard of Person B.
Husky does her pulling thing, whipping the leash right out of Person B's hand. Everything is proceeding as it has many, many times prior. Then Husky wants to mount my dog. Chloe, she don't put up with bullshit puppies (Yes, I know she's 2+ but she still runs on a young dog/puppy mentality). Chloe is on the ground, probably from trying to play with Husky. Husky has no concept of actual "play" (way to go douche bag Person B). Husky moves herself over Chloe, and starts her growling and sideways stare. Chloe instantly thinks, "Fuck you, if you think you are going to pull this shit." I immediately see what's happening and what will come next if no one intervenes. Person B all the while? "*Husky*, *Husky*, what are you doing?" (in a monotone voice, quiet). I on the other hand don’t waste any time talking to the dog like she's going to turn and give me a verbal word answer. I get between (carefully and strategically, never try a dangerous stunt if you are unaware of what you are doing) and actually speak to my dog while placing myself as the dominant to Husky. Chloe responds to me (of course, because not only have I trained her well, she also trusts me and trusts my judgement). I get them apart. I should mention that Chloe is off-lead all this time. She's trained, remember?
So I'm beginning to cold-shoulder Person B and his dumbass dumbfoundedness. (Yes, I know, not a real word), When another neighbourhood doggy arrives on the scene, we have meet Westie (terrier breed, not his actual name) a couple of times and are familiar with him and his owners. After a short period of time, and because Person B doesn’t hold back Husky and allows her to drag him wherever, Husky gets close to the other dog and begins a dog fight. Yup. Even though Husky is at one end of the leash and Person B is still holding (not recalling) the leash in his hand, I step up, grab the leash nearer to Husky and yank backwards, loudly proclaiming "NO!" (lets not forget Husky is pretty much zero-trained), Husky whips her head and growls and makes a movement like she's about to bite me. I do NOT tolerate that behaviour. Period. Another yank, another "NO!" and I am glaring down and not moving ANYWHERE, showing no sign of backing away. Husky (because they are smart dogs) recognizes this and stops. BAM! Another crisis averted. Because of me. NOT the owner of the obviously increasing, aggressive dog.
Me: You HAVE to hold her back! She is trying to attack.
Person B: Ugh… But why is she doing this?
Me: Is she fixed?
Person B: No.
Me: There you go. Female, unfixed Husky. Strong-willed and thick-headed, untrained. Near her home. Those are all ingredients for a recipe for disaster!
Person B is still babbling on about incoherent things. I just tell him to keep her in. Don't let her free range of movement. Then I block him out. Then I have to leave because if I don’t I know I will start to say things that could potentially be mean.
We ran into (briefly) Person B and Husky just Monday evening. I avoided him completely. I know that if conversation were to be initiated it would be trouble. For Person B. I am not a very tolerate person when it comes to dogs and aggression. I make my exit lickity-split!
This is an ongoing story, I am sure. Stay tuned…Names have been removed for privacy and protection.
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